馃専We invite you to participate in the 51st National Non-Destructive Testing Conference!馃専

Are you interested in modern non-destructive testing methods? Do you want to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field? Join us at the 51st National Non-Destructive Testing Conference.

Event details 馃搮:/p>

鉃★笍Date: 15-17 October 2024./p>

鉃★笍Location: Q Hotel Bielany Wroc艂awskie, 7 Szwedzka St., 55-040 Bielany Wroc艂awskie/p>

鉃★笍Main topic: ‘Modern non-destructive testing as a basis for safety’./p>

鉃★笍Main Organiser: Polish Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics SIMP Wroc艂aw Branch

What topics will be discussed at the conference? 馃攳/p>

鉁旓笍Non-destructive testing in industry, construction, transport, energy/p>

鉁旓笍Methods, equipment, hardware and software used in non-destructive testing/p>

鉁旓笍Technical diagnostics for equipment and structures/p>

鉁旓笍Personnel training and certification in non-destructive testing,/p>

鉁旓笍New regulations and standards for non-destructive testing/p>

鉁旓笍Accreditation of non-destructive testing laboratories

As the Founders of the Professor Zdzis艂aw Paw艂owski Award, we encourage you to take part both in the conference and in the competition for the best paper by a young participant of KKBN. 馃弳

馃憠Further details are available at: http://www.kkbn.pl.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge, make valuable contacts and be part of the future of non-destructive testing!


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