Corrosion under insulation (CIU) in practice

We recently mentioned to you the phenomenon of corrosion under insulation (CIU) and its detection by digital radiography. And what does this look like in practice? 馃攳

鉃★笍 On the practical side, the examination does not differ significantly from traditional radiography, except for the use of a digital detector instead of a radiographic film.

鉃★笍 The main difference is in the examination result - the radiograph is immediately available in digital form, eliminating the time-consuming development process and allowing extensive image processing. The examination can be performed through isolation, with the medium inside, without having to stop the installation or camera.

鉃★笍 Digital recording facilitates archiving and periodic monitoring of shadows that do not require immediate repair.

馃尡 Digital radiography examination is a more environmentally friendly solution because it eliminates the use of films and the need for chemical treatment.


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