Inspection of corrosion cavities

Inspection of corrosion cavities can be carried out either by digital radiography (RTD) or ultrasonically using the advanced Phased Array technique. Despite the need to remove insulation, the limitations of this method are less than with digital radiography.

➡️ Naivitest offers a wide selection of equipment and the possibility to make your own (e.g. scanners dedicated to a specific task). With a scanner of our own design and a multi-transducer flexible head, we are able to carry out mapping of corrosion cavities or plating detachments, such as in straight sections, tees, pipeline bends, tanks or reactors.

➡️ The digital test records are readable even by those unfamiliar with the subject, and the test can also be used for structural monitoring.

👇In the scans below, we show grids from the lap test, which show spot and continuous rubs.


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