Phased Array Technology

In NDT testing, the use of standard Phased Array (PA) technology without a tailored approach does not always allow for the effective evaluation of joints with unusual geometries, such as small-diameter pipes with steep joint angles. 馃

Key challenges include:
鈻笍 Limitations of standards – EN ISO 13588 restricts the use of PA for joints with complex curvatures.
鈻笍 Technical difficulties – Beam deformation, the absence of dedicated scanners for multiplanar curvatures, and constant variations in geometry make testing a significant challenge.

馃攳 In one project, we faced the task of evaluating a welded joint on a pipe with a relatively small diameter and variable curvature. The lack of stable probe positioning and beam deformation rendered the standard PA method impractical without incurring significant additional resources. Other techniques, such as manual UT, were considered; however, their implementation also required special attention.

馃憠 The takeaway is simple! Each project requires individual analysis and adaptation of methods to ensure reliable results. This example highlights the importance of flexibility and innovative approaches in NDT. It's crucial to consider technical capabilities, available equipment, and the accessibility of skilled personnel.


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