The ultrasonic testing (UT) is mainly used for detecting internal inconsistencies of welded steel joints, steel castings, spheroidal castings, forgings, plastically processed products such as sheets, bars and beams. This is a very good method for detecting flat defects such as cracks, delamination, lack of penetration and lack of fusion.

UT testing is one of the most widely used in the industry. The reason for this is the relatively low price and high speed of testing compared to x-ray. The customer receives the test result immediately upon completion of the inspection.

Apart from standard UT testing, customers are increasingly willing to order UT testing using Phased Array and TOFD techniques.



UT testing is used during manufacturing and in operation for welded joints, castings, forgings, metallurgical materials made of low carbon and alloy steel, aluminium alloys, and other materials. Plastic products, laminates and composites can be tested.

Important to know

Important to know

Testing of materials other than steel / low-carbon cast steel can be difficult, sometimes impossible. For example, stainless steel, DUPLEX, SUPERDUPLEX require different equipment and procedures. Some castings due to the type of material and shape may not be possible to examin. In order to avoid problems, it is necessary to provide the laboratory with as much object's details as possible.


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